
September 2011

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time to get the arm fixed and other tidbits from the Nguyens

For several years I've been having pain in my left arm.  Actually it's my shoulder where my arm goes into it.  It's gotten worse over the last year.  I finally broke down and went to see a Doctor.  Turns out I have a torn Rotator Cuff, Burcitus and bone spurs.  So I'm having sugery on November 10th.  Truthfully, it can't get here soon enough.  I have a pretty high tolerance for pain but after a while it starts to wear on me.  Plus the pain seems to be getting worse.  I told My Honey that was so that I don't back out of the surgery.  See I've never had surgery before, I've never been put to sleep and I've never been in the hospital.   Everyone keeps telling me that it's terribly painful to have this sugery done.  I'm not looking forward to that part but I'm looking forward to sleeping all night once I'm healed without waking up several times in pain.  Keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks. 

Eli got his 1st report card from school.  He did really great.  All S's and P's.  We saw his teacher at a ball game and she said he was doing great.  He read his first book to me last week.  I cried!  My baby is reading. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Church talks, playsets, and school fundraisers

Boy do I have a lot to cover today!

For those who don't already know, I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Commonly known as the Mormons. We don't have paid clergy so members of the church are asked to talk in our meetings. This past Sunday I got that privilege.

I tried all week to formulate my talk but nothing came together. I knew what I wanted to talk about but apparently that wasn't what I needed to talk about. I'm a firm believer that God works through us to help others. Maybe someone needed to hear what I said.


My husband Shane (in white) and David at the start of the project.

Eli turned 5 on August 5th. As part of his present from us we ordered him a wooden play set. Of couse, it didn't come in until after his Birthday.  Then it rained every time Shane even talked about putting it together. Finally Sunday he got his brothe David over to help. It took them 7 hours, lots of ice water and a few "s" words but they finally got it together. And they did a darn good job.


Eli playing on the finished product

Friday, August 20, 2010

1st day as a blogger!

My friend Jan sent me a couple of blogs that she reads yesterday.  They were very cute and funny.  That lead me to think hey, I'm cute and funny so why not blog too.  So here I am!! 

Now my life isn't as exciting as others but what I lack in excitement I make up for with drama.  Usually not drama of my making but from those around me.  Jan tells me all the time that I have some strange people in my life and she's right.  Most of them I didn't choose to have in my life, it just happened.  Either by birth or by accident.

I expect you will get to know all the characters in my life if you continue to read my blog.  I promise it will be entertaining and probably a little sad when you realize these people really do exist.

My favorite characters will be my husband Shane and our son Eli.  Shane is the best husband in the world...on most days.  We've only been married for a year and a half.  It's the first marriage for both of us and I think God made us for each other.  Where I'm a high strung, planning, list maker.  He is laid back and goes with the flow.  We have never had what I would consider (judging by what I've observed from others) fight.  We disagree.  We get on each other's nerves but we just say what we think and move on.  The other one never gets offended nor do we say things to offend.  We are not perfect by any means but we are totally in love.

Eli is brilliant and gorgeous.  I know, I know all mothers think their kids are but he really is.  He asked his Dad last night how he got the prettiest girl.(He meant me in case their is any doubt.)  Oh did I mention he's a total Momma's boy. 

Gotta do something I'm not looking forward too.  Until later!